We’re here to monitor, detect, and defend your mission.
We make sure your security operations are the best they can be so you’re prepared and protected against potential security threats.
We make sure your security operations are the best they can be so you’re prepared and protected against potential security threats.
We identify, collect, analyze, and report on valuable digital information related to computer crimes.
We will help define and execute a plan to handle security incidents, breaches, and cyber threats. A carefully defined plan mitigates the chance of damage or loss during a cyber-attack, and lowers the chance of having another one in the future.
We evaluate network and host activity on a continuous basis using the latest technology and techniques. All areas of your infrastructure are examined to ensure risks are mitigated appropriately.
The management of a security operation is a critical task. We have capable staff with a proven track record of leading security operations across the federal and private sectors.
We employ tradecraft that allow us to gather information about threats facing your organization. This knowledge is then used to build out use cases. These use cases allow us to tailor your defensive posture and stay prepared in an ever-changing threat landscape.